Practices are working in Partnership to provide additional GP appointments between 6:30pm – 8:00pm during the week and also over the weekend. If you need access to an evening or weekend non-urgent appointment, please call and speak to the receptionist at your registered practice during normal opening hours.
Your appointment may be with another practice in the area and may not be at your registered practice.
Routine Appointments
Appointments can be made by telephoning 0121 531 4704, by calling at the surgery in person or via our online form. You will be given the earliest available appointment to see the Doctor of your choice, sometimes this may not be possible on the same day.
Urgent Appointments
- To request an urgent appointment for today or tomorrow (Monday to Friday).
- Book an appointment online via SystmOnline Login ( Phone us Monday to Friday, 8am to 6:30pm Visit the surgery and speak with a receptionist. We are open Monday to Friday, 8am to 6:30pm
If you need a Doctor in emergency, please telephone NHS 111. In dire emergency ring 999.
GP Online Services
You can now book appointments, order repeat prescriptions and even access your GP records online. It is quick, easy and your information is secure.
Home Visits
If you require an urgent home visit, please ring the surgery before 10:30am and give the receptionist an idea of what is wrong. This helps the Doctor to see the most urgent cases first and plan the calls efficiently. If you can walk at home please come to the surgery.
Remember for one home visit the Doctor can see 10 patients in surgery.
Be on Time
Please arrive promptly and remember to cancel your appointment if you can no longer keep it; someone else may need to see a doctor urgently.
Cancelling Appointments
The surgery is constantly struggling to meet demand for appointments. This is often due to patients not attending their booked appointments. Should you no longer require your appointment then please cancel immediately so that it can be offered to someone else.